Thread: Bagobo sword
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Old 7th February 2005, 07:07 PM   #3
Vikingsword Staff
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Default I agree, Jose

... they are becoming less common. But this one was not all that old judging from its general apperance (probably second half of the 20th C.). It lacked the usual hawk bells attached to the small rings at the end of the hilt, and the protruding "nub" at the very end of the pommel was not adorned with a metal ring or other embellishment (as seen on better quality pieces). Moreover, the brass ferrule/integrated guard was a rather poor fit to the wood pommel. Just seems like a high price to pay for an ordinary looking Bagobo hilt, an unremarkable blade, and no scabbard.

Originally Posted by Battara
There was another that had a scabbard bought by Naga Basuki (who beat me with a stick ) and that went for $500-600. I feel it would have gone for $700. These, especially Bagobo, are becoming rarer.
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