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Old 24th September 2006, 02:15 AM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
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I agree with n2s that it is probably a farming impliment, but my guess is that it's Spanish colonial/pre-Mexico. The half metal guard is a common feature on many Span Colonial pieces such as machetes, fascine knives and such. Likewise, the notches near the top of the blade by the hilt seem like the common line-type decorations found on Span colonial pieces. Of course, this patterning is also common on Philippine bolos, is it not? Like all those "Confederate Bowie" Phillipine bolos we keep seeing. I still lean toward Span Colonial with the horn hilt. I've always wondered if this notching near the blade top was influenced by Spanish/Portuguese presence in the Philippines?
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