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Old 18th September 2006, 04:29 AM   #15
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
Humanise David`s and again I see a fairly substantial lady who is fond of food, and who could do with a bit of a bath and some make up.
Hey....wait a minute....a bath?!
That green tinge is bad color balancing BTW. Part of why i apologized for my picture quality. The horn on the sandang walikat is green horn, but the color isn't quite that green. Hey, maybe they all need a bath.
Alan is right, of course. There are lots of small subtle differences which seperate these sheaths as specific variations on a form.
As for the name game, i tend to agree with Alan, though i guess it helps to at least have names for the general form types. In that sense i would guess that my first two examples are ladrang forms (formal), the bone horse head patrem is also a ladrang form, the ivory patrem is gayaman and the horn sheath is obviously sandang. The problem with this though is that i have no idea which of these catagories some of Alan's pieces would fall into. Would the sheath with the bird w/the floral design in the center be a formal dress sheath. What about the one with the horse that is basically the same shape. To me the lion sheaths that are known to be connnected with keris taken home by Dutch soldiers appear to be based on a gayaman form. Do these sheath always have the Dutch soldier connection or were some made for indigenous consumption?
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