Originally Posted by ariel
In my experience, non-scouring Brillo pads and liberal WD-40 work very well. Bit smelly, but the results are instantaneous and there is no danger of damage to vulnerable parts and no concern about possible interactions with the blade. I suspect the mandau was patinated, and the patina was lost too...
This electrochemical method looks more suitable to semi-industrial uses.
Also, knowing my cats, I am a bit leery of finding one or both of them de-haired 
Hi Ariel,
I don't like patination on metal. Love it on wood and ivory. I can make a blade look very patinated quite easily.
But I am concerned with metallurgical changes. These blades could house spirits, maybe did at one time. Of course maybe brillo and wd 40 is invasive. the electrochemical process seems less invasive than rubbing or worse yet, a power buffer!
Sheesch, where do you start and end in this arena?
Gonna go check on my mandau blade. Still cooking.