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Old 10th August 2006, 08:32 PM   #18
Tim Simmons
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One thing is a little curious about the carving of the figure on this stick, is that the left hand has 6 fingers. People having 6 fingers on a hand is not that unusual. Even if this stick came from people without specialist carvers I find it curious that such a basic element of humans is portrayed so.

Bearing in mind this may well be rhinoceros horn, a prestige material. I wonder if the sixth finger is deliberate. In a small community this would be unusual. A sixth finger has at times been seen as a noble sign. I believe it runs in some royal households in history for various reasons. Anne Boleyn is said to have had 6 fingers on a hand but then she did loose her head.

What do you think? It just seems a little odd to me.
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