Sorry for being late on joining this thread.
Thank you, Marcokeris, for starting this thread. I've kept myself from starting this thread for several months, because I'm not sure where I should put it, in swap or 'normal' forum, since I didn't want anybody see me as 'advertising' this book

(while I got no comission at all

As Shahrial had already post, I've met the chairman of PT Indonesia Kebanggaanku - the publisher of "Keris Jawa: Antara Mistik dan Nalar" - Mr. Rudy J. Pesik personally in June. He told me that he is working the English translation and scheduled to be completed at the end of this year. Actually, it was scheduled this month (August 2006) but Mr. Goura Mancacarita (an Australian, who had became a dalang, changes his nationality to Indonesia and an 'abdi dalem' of Surakarta Court) who worked on the translation did not kept up the schedule. For those who wish to have the English version, please wait for a while (and pray for the translation to be compeleted on time), but for those who can't wait, just grab it
Mr. Rudy also inform me that he is working on Book of Keris Bali also, which is still written by prominent native Bali collector (I forget the name), and he still looking for 'native expert' on Keris Bugis/Sulawesi. He insists to find a 'native expert' to give the book the tradisional/native standart/pakem and perspective, which may not being understood by other people from other cultures.
About the book being discussed, "Keris Jawa: Antara Mistik dan Nalar", as Alan said, it is the best book on keris jawa possible today. Quite concise, fully illustrated (the illustration based on actual kerises) and written in logical manner, chapter to chapter (Mr Guritno had asked some advise from several professors regarding the wording and technical aspect before published). But as we had already knew, we're only human.
As Guritno learnt under 'Surakarta school', this book mostly based on Surakarta's cultural standard which was culminated under the Pakubuwono X, with the famous 'Gebyar/ Macak Baris' approach, that is, 'mewah', luxurious approach. The Jogjakarta approach is 'Ngayang Batin', 'subtle'. These approach reflected on every aspect of Jogja and Solo cultures (dances, gamelan, wayang, etc, even the 'native' personal character, until today!). On this book, this approach reflected mostly on the example photographs and Keris Assesment standart. Both approach are good on their own sake, just don't mix it up
I have some disagreement on Keris Wearing, in Jogja style. As we both quote/learnt from the same sources, R. Riyo Condropuspito, I don't know why, the result are different. Unfortunately, Condropuspito had passed away. But for the rest of the book, I would mostly agree. IMHO, it is a traditional Court's standard (Pakem Baku/standar) on keris jawa which is accepted by many 'serious' collectors in Java today.
About Ensiklopedi Keris, I've never heard about it is being translated to English, and I believe, it wouldn't be any. The black-covered Ensiklopedi Keris is the second, revised edition, and I believe it is the last edition, as Mr. Bambang Harsrinuksmo passed away just before the launching. It is a good book, but for a beginner, it isn't telling much 'story', as it is written in alphabetical order and intended as an Encyclopedia. If we compare the 'Ensiklopedi' and 'Keris Jawa', we may find some 'disagreement / contradiction' which is very normal. Both might be right (and might be wrong also!), just accept it, as it is part of the 'excitement'
Having both books, what you should seek further is a lot lot lot of experiences, which may count for 99.9%, and trust yourself
Last but not least, I would like to congratulate this 'new' forum, and good luck !