Geoffrey, thank you SO much for posting this valuable information! and again, your photography is fantastic. Your adding to all these links to pertinent threads from years ago has given me the chance to retrace so many discussions long forgotten that had valuable information.
It was quite a 'rabbit hole' !!

but what amazing things were found.
As you say, there is not a great deal on these weapons, but the book you recommended by Eric Claude seems remarkable......I tried in vain to find a copy.....expensive but essential for anyone serious on this subject matter. '
Still , the information you have shared and what I found in the progression of threads has provided a fairly sound reference base. Most of the examples I found cited the pages in Eric Claude referred to.
Something I found in the threads regarding the crosses found as markings on some of the koummya seems important.
In the Berber tribal culture, it would seem that as noted Spanish symbology would be present in their use. In the Nasrid weaponry and material culture there are various uses of crosses in various configurations (a later example is the Cross of Santiago) and in cases aligned with the Islamic eight point star.
During the time of the Sharif,the Raissouli, in the early 20th c. it seems that there was notable alignment of course with the Islamic heritage of Spain, and specifically the sword of Boabdil, which had four crosses surrounding the Eight Point Star. It would seem the crosses seen on the groupings (or singular) marks seen on these koummya blades.
During the 'Rif Wars' (1921-1926) Raissouli aligned with Spanish forces as I understand, suggesting perhaps the Spanish element mentioned.
Could these crosses, more flourished than the simple crosses on the Boabdil sword hilt, be marks of key symbolism to the Berber clans under Raisouli?