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Old Yesterday, 01:59 AM   #14
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Geoffrey, this koummya is fantastic! and I've seen your collection as catalogued and the photography, detailed descriptions and the scope of the collection is amazing. Thank you for your work in assembling it and sharing it with everyone.

I have not really spent much time studying koummya, but from Ive learned it seems there truly is little definitive work on these, at least as far as material in the west. It does seem that most of the examples circulating do come from the many souvenir items, however there are apparently outstanding examples such as these which served as important accoutrements of prestige and status among tribal figures.

Also, the fact that these are typically not 'old' as far as many of the vintage weapons we study, they are important as far as much of the history of the regions they come from.....the 'Rif Wars' of 1921-1926 being one of the major events.

May I ask,what does the term 'hanzer' refer to?

Also, while many hilts have rhino grips, what is the significance of camel bone used in many examples? There seems to be the talismanic connection to protection from the evil eye, just as I have seen noted with mention of the shape of the blade with resemblance to a boars tusk in similar manner.

Also, I have read that many of the blades on these are from earlier European swords, refashioned by blacksmiths in these Moroccan regions. It does seem possible that some had their own punzone or mark perhaps copying some European stamps or marks. I recall some koummya shown with crosses applied in similar fashion.
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