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Old Yesterday, 12:47 AM   #12
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 523
Default Maybe Move to Euro Forum?

Did you post your request for information on the European forum? If not, maybe it is time to move this thread there. The fact that your koummya has the same stamp as mine is really significant. If we could find out the name of the maker who stamped the blades, we could very possibly find out when they were made, about how many were made and additional information about the maker. We may even be able to find out whether the maker just supplied blades or provided the entire ensemble (or both as per request of the buyer). Certainly, the humble dress on my example could have been made in North Africa but the regularity and symmetry of the decoration on your blade strongly suggests European manufacture. I wouldn’t be too quick to assume that the maker was Spanish though. Half of Morocco was owned by France (witness Rick’s Café Américain in Casablanca). In addition, Italian, German, and English makers all sold their wares in North Africa.

Not only is your blade good, the hilt and sheath decorations are unique. Usually, the sheath is profusely engraved. I only have four koummya in my entire collection with plain sheaths. The lugs on your sheath are also noteworthy in that they appear to be heavy and well enough attached to stand up to frequent carry, Indeed, one lug shows significant wear. The sheath throat and hilt ferrule appear to be well done and the use of silver on those items carries over the sheath decoration nicely. The metalwork on the hilt is also well done and unique. I have never seen decoration quite like it.

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