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Old 9th March 2025, 08:41 PM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Default The Patton M1913 cavalry sword

Patton, as a young lieutenant, was as noted, an expert swordsman and cavalryman, just prior to his participation in the Pershing punitive expedition into Mexico in 1914 pursuing Pancho Villa.

It is curious about the actual distribution of these swords and even more concerning the actual use of them. It seems that a number were actually issued to US forces in the entry into WWI in 1917, however as far as known, they were never used.
That being the case, I wonder how many of these were produced in 1913, and again, if any were indeed in use with any men who were with Patton in 1914?

As previously mentioned, an apocryphal note claims that the cavalrymen riding into Mexico with Pershing, frustrated with their 'Napoleonic sabers' tossed them into the desert. This does not seem at all to describe these huge,bowl hilt swords.

While admittedly moot, it is is simply one matter of curiosity regarding the complex, obscure, and esoteric details of these times concerning Mexico and its ever volatile political dynamics, and US reactions accordingly.

Further I hope to look into many of the swords used by the various factions participating in the Revolution, which is regarded as having begin in 1910 and unofficially raged until 1921.
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