Originally Posted by RobT
Thanks Marc M.,
I am partial to koummya with really good blades and buy them whenever they are affordable. Ironically, most of the really expensive koummya I see have very ornate sheaths and hilts with so-so blades. I have no trouble passing those up. The thing I find remarkable is that there is no scholarly research (at least none that I have found) for these iconic and very popular blades.
Hi RobT
Like you, a good blade is the first thing I look for, not always obvious. Most koummyas made in the last decades are for those who travel, often high quality except for the blade. I have no idea when the day-to-day wearing of a koummya stopped but assume the tradition of wearing a koummya on certain occasions still exists. If you as a local want a new koummya then the outward appearance is more important than a good blade, more ornament than weapon. Photo of my simple koummya with a good steel blade, 3.6 mm thick at the handle and sharp.