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Old 8th March 2025, 11:47 PM   #3
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Keith, thank you so much for responding here!
Actually I pretty much figured I was gonna be solo here, but it is an area in history that I have been fascinated with virtually most of my life. I grew up in southern Calif. and have spent much of the rest of my life in Texas, so the subject area of Mexican history has been inherently there.

I have never heard of an arms society in Mexico, though there are a couple of museums. There was recently a book published on Mexican swords, but it is the first I have seen in English.

I have been member of Swedish Arms Society in Stockholm for over 20 years...interestingly where I published a paper on Mexican espada anchas recently. This was perhaps a strong indicator of the overall lack of interest in Spanish colonial and Mexican arms.

There is an arms society of course in England; Denmark, and there were in Germany, Switzerland, Italy but I am not certain of their status.

Lee Jones helped me with finding these photos that were acquired by his father years ago in Texas.

My hope is to expand this topic to include some of the types of swords in use by Mexican forces in both Federalist and Constitutional forces in the Revolution. While the subject of guns used is well covered, there is little on the kinds of swords whose use carried forth into these turbulent years.

Still compiling and researching

Thank you again Keith !!!
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