Indeed one has to be careful with decoration and text on blades of swords of the Balkans, Greek Isles and Ottoman Empire.
Like the band Bajaga sang "Nije votka rakija," vodka is not rakija
There are a lot of forgeries, next to marriages also later additions on old blades...some real some made just to drive up prices...
I noticed lately some yataghans with "fancy" text in Arabic lettering but also poor to bad quality or perhaps fantasy ones; it could be done by a simple man from the country side but also poor / bad immitation or as said before forgeries....
Not only swords but also bichaqs....
So I prefer to follow books like :
or websites like
but stay away from doubtfull or to expensive swords and daggers...just to be safe
Vozi Misko...sorry Vozi Serdar ☺☼☺
FYI : Vozi means "drive" and "Vozi Misko" is a kind inside joke in the former Yugoslavia with no offence intended but brings a smile to the face of ex Yu guys