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Old 26th February 2025, 09:27 AM   #170
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Originally Posted by gp View Post
the thought which comes to my mind and perhaps not so a strange thought...with regard to item 2:

for the population and peoples in that part of the world, were not we, the ones from Europe, actually pirates and robbers....?
And concerning " sovereigns ": were they not "bought" and left in their positions and thus allowed the Dutch, English and French to do their (colonial) mischief...? Which was specially a proven policy in the Indonesian archipelago by the VOC and their successor...
Ofcourse, I have also my own concerns and thoughts about the goals mentioned above. And I am glad I'm able to look at myself in the mirror every day because they were not the goals that I would have set.
And take into account, that these were different times, and also before the Dutch, English, French and Portugese arrived, there was a lot of missoury at places all over the world.
It wasn't always that civilized or better before the colonial oppressors arrived.
However, this is something that is a hot topic now everywhere, and I understand that. But to dispose of all museum pieces now or put them behind lock and key, I also disagree. We can use it as a learning opportunity, but when I watch the news every day, we haven't learned much yet as a world population.

Originally Posted by gp View Post
Beautiful sword from Bronbeek; which museum is a place highlę to be recommended to visit, although the Dutch government wants to close this historical treasure sadly...
What is your source that Bronbeek is on the list of closing by the government?

Originally Posted by gp View Post
It has items and data from the earliest times till the end of WW II and Indonesia's independence.
Most interesting to see there all the diversity of data, items, pictures and cold weapons
Unfortunately there is not enough time to update the database, as many objects has no photos placed.
Bronbeek is by far one of my favorite museum. And I feel privileged to have the opportunity to visit the museum often in the past, and mostly that I had been able to visit the Bronbeek depot several times, to do some study.
As a matter of fact I visited Bronbeek a couple of months ago. They have a wonderful exhibition, also to let the visitors overthink and feel about the injustice that happened there a long time ago.
And to keep in track of this thread, the Alima Baba pirate sword is to be seen now in their exhibition!
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Last edited by Maurice; 26th February 2025 at 10:50 AM.
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