Originally Posted by gp
Zdravo Serdar / Hello Serdar,
a very interesting sword indeed. Can you perhaps show better pictures of the decoration or inscriptions on the blade ?
The circular connected ones remind me of Ottoman cold weapons but the letters do look cyrillic ( which I tried to decipher...). Maybe I am mistaken on the latter but that is the reason why I would like to see better or closer ones....
Pozdrav Gp!

I will take a closer photo, but it says ANAN and twisted (reversed) NANA, i dont know what it means, i saw similar twisted (reversed) writings between sickle marks, circles, stars etc. On italian blades 16/17 century.
Anything else i realy dont know.
I will post you a closer pictures, allso from other saber, but im very sure it is not cirilic.
It is very interesting that you mentioned citilic text, it is very rare on blades, i mean original production text on cirilic, not later aded on trophy text.
Some month ago, i was offered for purchase with karabela that had a cirilic text writen in old slavic, church slavic, crkveni slavenski language, but i skiped it becouse price was a ludacris if that is a word?, price was insane, let me refrase that, price was extremly insane, and sword wasnt up to it, but was nice museum piece, and that was the only one that i saw in person with cirilic text, other i saw on photo.
Whit trophy ones im very careful, there is always posibility of forged text, one guy that i know, purchased a ottoman pistol that is engraved with handwriten cirilic text which says it was taken in a famous battle in balkan, and it doesent match pieces from period from that state in balkan, to be precise it doesent match the way that it is engraved and the style of letters, it stands in the croud and also who ever engraved it it misspeled a place name
