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Old 22nd February 2025, 05:52 PM   #26
Pertinax's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2023
Location: City by the Black Sea
Posts: 197

Thanks Ian!

The topic is really interesting. Judging by the swords and knives in the decor of which there are such nails, they were popular in a large area of Africa.

I tried to mark on the map of Africa the area of distribution of swords and knives presented by colleagues on Vikingsword in the decor of which there are nails.

Namely – Lunda, Chokwe, Yaka, Salampasu, Kwango, Suku are:
- Angola Eastern
- Zambia north-western (the Kanongesha-Lunda and the Ishindi-Lunda, Luapula valley (the Eastern Lunda or Kazembe-Lunda)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo.

And only Baule from Côte d'Ivoire falls out of this list.

Best regards,
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