Thank you again Stu!! Absolutely wonderful images! While indeed this topic and area does seem a bit out of the scope of this forum (again I had honestly forgotten the ethnographic in the title) and am grateful for the indulgence of the staff, it is heartening to see the readership here.
In 15 days over 24,000 readers seems to illustrate a widely shared interest in WWI aviation, and in particular the machine guns which took to the air in this then new aspect of warfare. Though the discussion of arms in the European forum does allow some latitude in looking into arms which transcend the presumed demarcation c. 1900, many of those had 19th century origins, but even there this topic does stretch obviously.
While again grateful for staff forbearance on this, in future entries I will stay in accord with the proper topics scope suggested . Meanwhile, it has been great to examine this interesting subject here, for me as noted, a very long standing one.