Clarification Requested
When comparing the OP hilt, ferrule, and ricasso to the examples you have submitted, I see similarity but not sameness. In addition, the OP blade with its slightly upswept tip differs markedly from the clip points on the other three blades. Perhaps you could elaborate as to why you believe the OP knife and the other three are from the same culture? Where do the top two examples you show come from? The blades look Philippine. Do they have integral bolsters? I ask this because, on further viewing, it would appear that what I initially thought was a ferrule on the OP blade is actually an integral blade bolster. Hopefully, thinreadline will clarify.
Do you know where your knife comes from and what it is called? The blade profile and fuller match that of the OP (minus the ornate ricasso). Also, as with Rafngard’s example, there is clearly no integral bolster. Hopefully, thinreadline and Sajen will weigh in as to whether their examples have integral bolsters.