Please help ID curved short sword. Possibly Indian?
I just acquired this curved blade short sword at a local Military show. I'm positive that I have seen a similar piece somewhere on this forum. I have done research online regarding Indian and Indonesian sword types, no luck. The sword measures 21=3/4" or 55.224 cm from the base of the handle across to the very tip of the blade. The scabbard and handle are decorated with what I believe are silver strips embedded in the wood. The red dots look to be clay that was pressed into holes. One hole is missing the red, showing a very shallow depth cut into the wood. The scabbard has four brass bands, with a fifth one missing at the opening.
Interesting to note that this piece has a tag on it indicating that it was inventory in a museum or collection. There are two painted white swatches, on on the hilt and the other on the scabbard.
The blade has interesting engraving on it. It is not sharpened. There are a couple of deep nicks on the backside of the blade that look like they were made by a sharp blade. The handguard tests as magnetic sor iron or steel.
As always I appreciate the vast information that forum members have and hope that someone can offer some information. If you do not have info please enjoy the pictures.
Andrew Hite