Gentlemen, i don't want to sound like a broken record, but again, discussions or explanations regarding forum policies have no place in the open forums. If anyone wishes to continue to question why one thing has been permitted fair for discussion in the forums while another thing has not or you would like further clarification question the meaning of "Ethnographic" or the origin or current intent of this website's forum i suggest to PM the moderation team. This forum is and always has been Lee's baby, but even though over the years the moderation team has helped work out the specifics of how we operate, we are all, regardless of our advancing years, just teenagers living in our parent's house.

From the Rules page for all forums.
I want to complain about a forum policy: These fora are managed by a volunteer Moderator Team and each moderator has a vote on fora policies. Concerns may be directed to any of the moderators (or to for presentation to and consideration by the Moderator Team. Do not create a thread in the forums for your grievance or suggestion, unless you wish to risk being banned.