Thread: Persian knife
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Old 26th January 2025, 10:00 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Ren Ren View Post
That was a great question, Detlef! When I saw these scribe knives from Sri Lanka a few years ago, I sent a photo of them to some Buddhist friends in Thailand. They told me that there are many types of sacred Buddhist knives in Thailand, but that there are none like them. They also explained that in their country, sacred texts on palm leaves have not been copied by hand for a long time, but are printed using the woodcut method, from engraved wooden blocks. Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to find out how this is done in Burma, but all these years this thought has not left my head.
Sincerely, Serge
Hello Serge,

I know that the Bali Aga people still write on palm leaves which get sold to tourists but I can't remember how the script gets written. But I have no knowledge how it's done in Burma, so my question.

Best regards,
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