A WW 1 Era Saber
Just picked this up inasmuch as it relates to my WW 1 era German pistols.
It has an inscription that is very hard to read, it is thought that it refers to:
(Landwehr) Bezirkskommando 42, Frankfurt a.M., 1. Bezirk.
District command for the Landwehr.
It is not uncommon. Here is a description I stole from an auction site for an identical one.
The blade comes with the maker's mark by Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Co. Also, the "Erfurt" marked on the other side. The back of the blade shows the Prussian acceptance mark "W 93. Stains and notches on the cutting.
A real ray-skin finished grip with intact wire wrapping as well as the monogram of Kaiser Wilhelm II on the front. Brass hilt fittings. There are three other acceptance marks on the hilt. The knuckle guard bears the Prussian eagle.
Length: 100 cm.
No scabbard. Cost $300