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Old 24th January 2025, 03:01 AM   #30
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Location: Leiden, NL
Posts: 534

As a Dutchie, I also grew up with Floris, and Ivanhoe of course! And of course there were the three musketeers.

And I think various versions of Robin Hood instilled a moderate bow and arrow obsession in me. My sword collecting elementary school friend and I used to shoot bamboo shoots from the yard into the air randomly with his bow (it's kind of amazing we survived childhood now that I'm thinking about all the weaponry again, even if most of it was fake) - which in hindsight I think may have been some form of Indonesian traditional bow; I remember it was small but too heavy for us to fully draw, and had a quiver attached in front of the grip, kind of like the one below (but I think smaller and with a different curvature). I've just recently started dabbling in archery again.
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