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Old 22nd January 2025, 06:20 AM   #22
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Very good points about the balance of swords and the impact of awkward weight and balance in wielding the reproductions in many cases, or the fantasy types. I recall in years later when I took dad grumbled, 'oh good, something you can always use!'
We exercised for quite a while before we ever began using the blades, and it was surprising how quickly you could be spent in many forms of these combats.

With kids using 'real' swords playfully (this often accounts for many of the supposed combat nicks in blades) I can recall once I had been asked about a sword a guy had, and I called him to tell him it was a Caucasian shashka.
He had no idea what it was, and then asked, well what is it worth?

I told him.......he gasped and looked out at his young sun whacking away at weeds and brush with it in the backyard, instantly screaming....AUUUGHHH! STOP IT AND BRING THAT SWORD IN HERE , NOW!!!

Werecow, FANTASTIC cuphilt BTW!!!!
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