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Old 21st January 2025, 12:11 AM   #1
werecow's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2021
Location: Leiden, NL
Posts: 534
Default Sulawesi penai or other klewang(?)

I picked up this Indonesian klewang short sword the other week. I think it's a Sulawesi penai, but I could be mistaken. I based that mainly on the blade type and the hilt type T in this graphic:

I would appreciate your thoughts on it, especially about the age of it and maybe a more accurate place and/or ethnic group.

Some damage to the hilt, some light pitting and the scabbard is in relic condition.

I don't have the skill set to really do a proper restauration but I would like to stabilize the scabbard so that it doesn't damage further and doesn't keep falling apart on me, but I would like some advice on how best to go about this. Would it be considered acceptable to use wood glue to keep the two halves together and repair the crack, and maybe a tiny drop to keep the loose end of the last remaining bit of rattan in place?

Also, there seem to be some bits of what I'm guessing is adhesive with small bits of what perhaps looks like a white-ish metal in it on the decorated parts of the scabbard... would this scabbard originally have been covered in silver sheet? And there is also some discoloration of the lower part of the scabbard that suggests it may have had some sort of ribbon would around it.

And Albert, I did of course notice your recent book on the subject. I hope to pick up a copy soon™.
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