This is great Norman! I know we are in good company with other guys whose boyhood imaginations fueled by the wonder of TV and old movies and TV series probably sparked interests in the exploits and weapons of these cinema heroes.
As you say, some of the period weapons, especially from those medieval times etc. have always been pretty much out of reach.
However, as I graduated from WWII bayonets often sold for a quarter out of barrels in surplus stores in the 50s, to an old Moro keris I was given off a garage wall for helping sand down model A frame......I later found many swords were to be had for just a few dollars.
With an obsession with Zorro (Disney 50s series) I found an old Spanish sword (with the Spanish motto- I had no idea what it meant) on the blade. It was in a boutique shop window festooned with costume necklaces. I was horrified at this disgraceful use of such a sword.........I went in, and bought it for about 20 bucks. The lifetime obession with Spanish colonial swords began. I am presently working on a project on these, with about 40 years of research at hand.
Good catch on the guns in this Korea? picture! When was this? I dont know much on us in Korea before the 50s.
Yup, the old classics (like us

fun to watch time to time, and especially as we hold the period items. I recall some years ago before cable etc. and we waited for certain movies to come on in the programming. I excitedly told my wife "Gunga Din" was on tonight and we MUST watch it.
She said, OK , but no wearing that pith helmet again! You scare the cats!
Thanks for coming in and sharing !!!