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Old 19th January 2025, 06:58 PM   #2
Norman McCormick
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Join Date: Oct 2007
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Hi Jim,
I suspect more than a few of us have embarked on the arms collecting trail from childhood books, films and t.v. Mine started with t.v. in the fifties, The Adventures of Robin Hood with Richard Greene as Robin. I used to run home from school in great anticipation of 30 minutes of Robin's latest adventures. Unfortunately I have never found 12thC arms at a price compatible with my ambitions but there is still time, I hope !!!! There was also other 5 p.m. kids slots with William Tell, Lancelot, The Buccaneers etc., etc., all grist to the mill of childhood imagination. I did buy all the dvd issues of these t.v. shows and still delve into them occasionally. Nothing like a bit of nostalgia eh !!!!!
Regards as Always,
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