Thank you for your comments Alan.
Yes I also believe this 50/50 approach of sunggingan work is a modern approach.
Personally for me it is quite interesting since we can appreciate the sunggingan work and the wood at the same time.
The maker called this Pamor Lar Gangsir as well, however like Jagabuwana I would like to know the difference between Lar Gangsir and Ganggeng Kanyut. My understanding is that the Keris in post #1 is Lar Gangsir and cannot be called Ganggeng Kanyut, but the following Keris can be called either Lar Gangsir Agal (coarse) or Ganggeng Kanyut.
On a side note: what type of flower is Sekar Torong?
Thank you
Last edited by JustYS; 14th January 2025 at 02:39 AM.
Reason: Typo