Originally Posted by awdaniec666
When you try to be polite and positive...
So here is no "I think" or "It seems":
This thing is ugly as hell and please stop insulting Polish sabres with this piece of experimental art.
I am gone here.
Where for gods sake did i wrote that this karabela is polish sword or polish origin or mentioned poland in one sentance??
This sword definetly isnt made in poland.
And you surely know that karabela swords dont originate in poland.
This sword has two posible origins, italian or german, and im more leaned against german origin. And the blade is made long before polish people heard word karabela.
I could go on about quality of polish swords in year 1500-1650 and how much superior steel quality of this sword is, but i wont, becouse as i can see, this forum unfortunatly plumeted to very low grounds in the last 10-15 years.
I just hope when you are soo atorney like for polish swords, that you know that in europe polish people are among latest that started using karabela swords, or caracteristic bird handle swords, and that there were many other countries that had identical if not superior warriors and sword wielders, let alone sword quality and craftmaship.
In my colection i have documented karabela, yes karabela, with classic birds head handle, with provenance, and list of belonged to from end of 15 century from one noble balkan family to another, and it is neither ottoman neither polish, and you probably would list it as polish, black horn handle, three rivets, blade marked with fullers etc.
It is a time people stop marrying words karabela and poland.
I wrote that im interested in markings, if someone have seen identical and i mean realy identical markings, not similar or anything, and what you do, instead of reading and understandin what i wrote, you gave your opinion on persian origin ignoring my words that it is definetly not persian.
I know that very few people held in their hands old european blades from 14,15 century, but persians arent first to develop that form or blade shape,especialy more curved ones.
Many people wrote books on antique wepons, and problem is that anyone can write a book, second problem is when people have no practical experience but hold clenched to a book someone write, no mater how famous or what.
Anyhow, if someone have pictures or data with exact same markings five stars in a cross formation in crown field, it would be great.
One more time, please markings only, if someone knows or have data about same markings as seen on pictures, im not into childish writeoffs or unnecesary this is, or this isnt kind of d. measurements.
Thank you.