Originally Posted by serdar
Thank you anyway on your opinion.
I appreciate that. I also appreciate your opinion on the material I attached concerning the karabela. Clearly you have notable expertise on this topic, and I would encourage you to specifically share notes correcting the elements you consider nonsense, so the rest of us might learn. That is after all the objective here, and no matter how much we know, learning never stops.
Perhaps I might have more carefully worded my comments. The blade is of shamshir 'style' to my view, though Im sure saying that would be heresy to 'experts' on these blades. Obviously European, and at end of 18th century into early 19th the popularity of hussar cavalry units brought imitation of fashion and arms into European armies.
There were of course European makers who adopted various Eastern blade features and styles (i.e. the yelman) and some British cavalry swords are seen with these. In the Napoleonic campaigns, even yataghan 'style' blades have been noted on officers sabers.
I like your comment, 'markings are important' ! In the study of historic swords they are a key factor, which is why I have seriously studied this topic for many years, but I am NO expert by far.
One thing I have learned in the subject is that there are many complications, the numbers of spuriously applied marks etc. not withstanding.
There are many variations brought by many reasons, especially with families of makers who continued the profession through generations. Many marks had other meanings whether administrative or even talismanic.
So finding IDENTICAL markings can happen in many cases, but more often there are variations, sometimes as stamps wore out or were changed due to administrative situations.
Here is what I found as far as the 'stars' on the blade you show, and may not be identical, but a compelling suggestion to the possible European maker in this case Solingen late 18th c.
The two cavalry sabers are British using Solingen blades which have Eastern CHARACTERIZED features n them.
Again, hoping to be helpful, just as was awdanie666. Courtesy is also important. DEFINITE knowledge is VERY much a matter of opinion.