As i wrote in my text folowing pictures, this definetly 100% isnt persian blade, i have extensive collection of persian blades, and i handled almost five hundred diferent persian blades, this is not persian.
It is 100% european, markings are important, im looking for someone that has seen this exact markings and have them maybe in archives.
Regardin a handle, handle isnt original, it is replacement, and a old replacement, used very much, about rivets, they are embeded into the wood, they definetly dont hurt your hand in any way, you cant even feel them.
It is very dificult to say something about item from pictures, i know that and that is a reason i wrote if someone knows something about markings, and not in the way “i think, it seems”, but definite knowledge.
In that text linked about karabelas there is a mountain of nonsence, and wrong things writen.
I allso saw a lot of “experts” write something off or on and they have no clue and no explenation backed with something material, that is a reason i asked if someone has seen identical markings.
Soo once more, please only if someone has seen -IDENTICAL- markings i would be grateful if he would share where and maybe data.
I suspect on something, but without data it dosent count.
Last edited by serdar; 10th January 2025 at 08:19 PM.
Reason: Aded word linked