You're welcome and no problem !
or as they say in the former Yugoslavia : nema problema

Hereby the translation of the Croatian text:
Pandur knife, German Blade from Solingen, first half18th century,
Steel, Bone and Iron Wire
Owned by a member of the Pandur Unit, (being) a volunteer of the Slavanion Hajduks. a wellknown militairy formation in Maria-Theresia's army,
under the leadership of Baron Franjo ( = Croatian for Franz / Frank) von der Trenck in Slavonia.
Under his leadership the Pandurs successfully fought battles in Silesia, Bavaria and Austria.
The cutting part of the blade is engraved with a Pandur and inscription: VIVAT PANDUR. (= long live the Pandur)
on hajduk:
A hajduk (Hungarian: hajdúk, plural of hajdú 'foot-soldier') is a type of irregular infantry found in Central, Eastern, and parts of Southeast Europe from the late 16th to mid 19th centuries, especially from Hajdú-Bihar . More info :
FYI: Hajduk Split, they used to be a quite good football team in the EUFA cups from Croatia
on Pandurs:
The Pandurs were a skirmisher unit of the Habsburg monarchy, raised by Baron Franz von der Trenck following a charter (German: Werbepatent) issued by Maria Theresa of Austria on 27 February 1741, permitting Trenck to raise a 1,000-strong troop.
a nice visualization of them ( double click on each picture):
hope this answers your question.
take care and have a nice day !