African Quiver and Arrows (ex coll. shakethetrees)
New member here and first post. It has fallen upon me to catalogue the collection of a former member of this group - shakethetrees - who died in 2016. He was a silversmith by trade and it is through this connection that the task fell to me, as my specialty is 18th-20th silverware. He had an extensive collection of silver from New Orleans (where he lived) so his family contacted me to go through his collection.
I have some (minimal) experience with weaponry, and with the assistance of some other experts - and his own posts on this forum! - I have finished cataloguing all of shakethetrees' guns, swords, militaria and ethnographic items except for a small handful that have eluded me. I decided to bring this full circle (as it were) and post these items here as he might have done for input (though without, I readily admit, his insight or expertise).
The first of these items is a quiver with arrows, which I think is Somali or Ethiopan. The wood quiver is bound and capped with leather, l. 26", and has five arrows, l. 20-3/4" to 23-1/4", three with two barbs, one with one barb, and one leaf-shaped. I would appreciate any and all opinions as to origin and age.