Originally Posted by Tim Simmons
The reverence and mystery shown to the Kris to me is some what crestfallen.
maybe to you but to an Indonesian this vid was not, reading one of the comments :
"Pak Subandi, Mas Danar dan rekan2 lainya, mohon lanjutkan tradisi leluhur kita. Jangan lupa mengupdate teknik2 tersebut tanpa melupakan tradisi. Ilmu2 metalurgi banyak yg berkembang, gandeng rekan2 dari kampus"
"Mr. Subandi, Mas Danar and other colleagues, please continue the traditions of our ancestors. Don't forget to update these techniques without forgetting tradition. Many metallurgical sciences are developing, in collaboration with colleagues from campus"
seems it is all in the eye of the beholder but who am I to contradict both him and you...
Perhaps you can add a vid showing how the kris's are made which supports and represents your thoughts / point of view ?