Thread: Luzon or Panay?
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Old 19th December 2024, 04:11 PM   #16
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Default Very Convincing


Actually, not just very convincing, completely convincing if the age estimate is correct. I am posting a knife in my collection that has a nodding similarity to yours but that I had always assumed was post WWII. The blade length of mine (8.625”), is similar to yours but the OAL (14.5”) is greater than yours due to the Janus head pommel. No Sheath. Could it be that mine is a lot older than I thought? Both of our knives check all the Bowie boxes and the chisel grinds indicate that they weren't just a bespoke blades made by a Filipino smith following the instructions of a European or US client but rather a knife type that had been absorbed into the northern Philippine culture. Could the triangle at the base of the blade on yours perhaps point toward a Philippine independence group? That would further cement the 19th century date. I would love to see any other examples you (or anyone else) may have.


PS: Your knife is a beaut.
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