Online Search Results
Amuk Murugul,
I did an online search using the names you supplied.
Parang duku quickly brought up a seller (Chicago Knife Works, who called his modern creation “My Parang Duku Latok 10in”. With its sharp bend close to the hilt, it looks like a short version of AHite’s parang. It has a copper ferrule.
Panjang panjai brought me to another website (My Personal Parang Collection #5 - The Parang Panjai). The site says it features “All Articles, Types of Parangs”. In this article, the writer describes a newly made parang panjai he just received from a supplier and says, “When I first saw the bolster, I cringed and informed my supplier, please do not send me any with a rubber hose bolster!” The writer goes on to say that the bolster (ferrule) is typically made of rattan, copper or steel but the maker decided to use rubber because it expands and contracts with the hilt. In a question and answer section below the article, the writer says the parang is 2 feet long and a photo in the article shows that it is a close match to AHite’s parang.
You nailed it Amuk Murugul.
PS: It would appear that panjai means house so a parang panjai would be a parang intended for housework.