Originally Posted by Ian
gp, those links are not clickable. Did you mean to upload the actual pictures? Something not quite right here.
The list of post 21 is the actual description of the pics in post 20.
My apologies for the misunderstanding.
The first 3 are Celts,followed by some Dacians, Greek, items found in Romania and Bulgaria and last 2 from Iberia.
I agree with Teodor there must be a link between these swords , long daggers of 2500 years ago in that area with the ones from the 16 to19 century….
The visual “likeness” is a strong indicatian, also since the Turkish source confirms it to a certain level.
Although “ the transfer” mentioned in. #2 of the above link from the Turkish publication might be open for discussion (or perhaps a little bias ?).
Nevertheless the resemblance in such a small region and the interaction between the peoples in those days might be a strong indication for these old weapons to be “forebearers” of the yataghan. This is something that needs to be investigated by scolars further. A matter which requires an international approach which was not that much possible due to the geopolitical situation in the last century.