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Old 12th December 2024, 01:13 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by TVV View Post
GP, congratulations on your new yataghan. I have what I believe is a similar yataghan, except mine has lost the original leather on the scabbard and has been shortened. The scabbard has a very similar pattern carved on it and ends similarly in a thimble at the chape. Based on the scabbard and the thimble, I used to think it was Algerian, but now I am not so sure. When I showed mine to some yataghan collectors in Bulgaria they thought that it was from Macedonia or Northern Greece, at least based on the hilt and bolster.

Attachment 241859
Attachment 241860
Attachment 241862
Attachment 241863

Your question about the relation between yataghans and the sikas and machairas of Thracians, Illyrians, Dacians and some of the Celts which settled in the Balkans during Antiquity is a very good one. I personally believe there is a relation, but I cannot prove it in any conclusive manner and I do not really want to create even more controversy in this thread.

Thank you for your reply on my latest yataghan as I had some doubts.
That has been settled by your reply!
You don’t create a controversy at all, the opposite is the case :

You open a most interesting an valuable discussion, exchange of minds and more important provide proof ( where many do not come further than stating “ I think….” But don’ back up by pics, books and literature).
Hence I think your contribution to be very of added value and hope it will not refrain you from posting. Specially as it makes me wiser in this most fascinating subject.
The discussion on yataghan has more or less stopped in 2015 when it started in 2004 if I search the forum correctly. And on the Balkans and its cold weapons there are only a few with some detailed knowledge….

I also do think there is a correlation between the Antiquity and Ottoman ones in the Balkans(perhaps also to extend the Black Sea and Caucasian area…? As a kind of cross fertilization…?)

Take care and have a nice day !


Last edited by gp; 12th December 2024 at 02:22 PM.
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