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Old 9th December 2024, 02:32 PM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Thank you for the kind note on my thread! It has been some years since (2009) but my fascination for this topic, and of course TIZONA has never waned.
This a magnificent paper and brings in so many dynamics which illustrate the machinations and misperceptions which often surround items that are held in the highest esteem as historic regalia.
However, too often the pedigree given them can be spuriously applied whether intentional or not. This paper perfectly illustrates how these jealously guarded stories applied to chronologically incorrect items can occur through a kind of 'perfect storm' of events or situations.

My interest has again become mercilessly piqued by this magnificently written paper!!!
Hopefully others who have studied this subject matter and in these areas of history might enter here with us.
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