Early Yataghan for Comments and Discussion
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8th December 2024, 12:17 AM
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Early Yataghan for Comments and Discussion
I feel very fortunate to have acquired what I believe is a relatively early yataghan. The reason I think it is early is because of the blade profile - shorter and wider than later examples. I will expand on similar examples later.
It comes with a scabbard, which is covered in black leather but never had any metal furniture of any type. The blade is made of 4 rods of the so-called Turkish ribbon with a soft T-spine and a harder steel edge, with a maker's stamp. The grip scales are of elephant ivory, with small years and tri-lobate pommel. The band between the scales and the bolster are silver over tin.
There are two yataghans with similar blades, both of which are associated with the Great Turkish War. The first one is in the Vienna Military History Museum in the Turkenbeute exhibit, while the other one is in the Karlsruhe Turkenbeute Collection (#140 in the published catalogue).
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