Thanks for your input
Originally Posted by Rick
As regards appraisal of your sword; it should be done by contacting
a member via our private message board.
We discuss the object; never its value.
I am aware that prices are not to be discussed on this forum and that they depend on the buyer and seller. I simply wanted to know if I would need to scour auctions to learn to estimate prices of if there is an alternative that does not require years of skin in the game.
Originally Posted by Changdao
The leatherwork on the scabbard has a clear Mandinka style, and European-inspired guards like this one aren't too uncommon. A Mandinka origin is likely but not sure, and geographically that can mean anywhere from the Gambia to Sierra Leone and then to Ségou.
I did not think about this since the Mandinka sabers I saw before had typically no guard, with sometimes a disk one, and often with scabbard that flares out towards the tip. Though I do see the resemblance now, in fact
a similar one is presented by kronckew in this thread, though I would be more satisfied if I could find a scabbard with the same pattern.
Though I am still curious about the marking on the blade and filework on its spine, since the Mandinkas I've seen either have a plain blade or fullers. That and the wrapping of the guard in leather which makes me think of an aversion to touching iron.