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Old 2nd December 2024, 01:13 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2023
Location: Amsterdam
Posts: 123
Default Malay Sundang Keris

Hi all,

A few months ago I aquired in a lot some nice additions for my collection.
The Malay Sundang was missing its buntut and please correct me if it's not the right name for the tip of the sheath. The Warangka was loose and the glue of the sheath had failed. After a chat with Detlef where he told me that it probably would have been a black horn tip I ordered some blocks of Buffel horn. I reglued the sheath and the Warangka with fish glue. I made a drawing for the tip and cut it out. And believe me even as a trained restorer and teacher in furniture restoration it was a tantalizing task to get the horn tip fitted seamless it took me in total more than a day only to have it fitting acceptable. I choose epoxy to glue the horn part that imixed with a bit of pigment. And after drying I cut it into shape and used my hand tools to shape it. Most of the fine tuning was done with a scraper. And the sanding was done by hand. From 240 till 1500 and the final finishing was done with Super Nikco.
I am rather satisfied with the outcome.
I know that it might be missing it's stirrup but I am not sure as on the Warangka I can't see evidence of wear on the place where it would have contacted it.
It has a very nice fit.
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Last edited by Pendita65; 2nd December 2024 at 02:05 PM.
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