David, I have not ever given a great deal attention to the matter you would like to see clarified. I think that in face to face discussion we would normally stay with whatever name the first person who used a name, chose to use.
I am not at all certain that any one name is more correct than any other name.
In recent years, in relaxed conversation, in English, I think I tend to use "demon", if in BI I tend to use "raksasa". The raksasa term has been around forever & it applies if the face has fangs.
I never heard all these other names 30 & more years ago, but it seems that now we have more names for everything than we could ever desire.
Sort of reminds me a bit of what Pauzan said when "Insiklopedi" was published. The forerunner of "Insiklopedi" was "Insiklopedi Budaya" same idea, same author, but much smaller, much tighter, much less open to debate.
Pauzan said, freely translated "--- where did all these names come from? where did all this information come from? who told him this? who taught him? the first book was very good, it was put together with a team of knowledgeable, careful people, but this new one (Ensiklopedi) --- do we need it? ---"
I feel a bit like Pauzan sometimes, especially when I hear the thoughts & opinions of relatively inexperienced people (in Javanese terms) holding forth on what is & is not correct.
However, that said, I do have some references at home --- I'm not there right now --- when I get back I'll have a look & see if the reference works I have in mind might provide some sort of answer.