Hi Jeff, before I comment on your most recent sword post, can you provide the lengths of the blade and hilt, and also how far from the tip the central fuller extends. Also, a quick question. Did you happen to find this one in Singapore or Malaysia?
As far as the pitting at the tip, I agree with Detlef. A mild attempt to remove the active oxidation would be good. However, the pitting is too severe to attempt a restoration of the tip. It's a pity because this looks like a good quality blade otherwise, and it appears to have some significant age. I would encourage you to address any active rust elsewhere on the blade also. The whole blade would benefit from a good clean IMHO, although you would lose some of the patina accumulated over a couple of hundred years. After treating the tip as suggested by Detlef, I would probably give the whole blade a gentle clean with fine grit sandpaper, trying to keep some of the patina while getting rid of any areas of active oxidation elsewhere on the blade. Then I would etch the whole blade with vinegar (this may bring out a pattern, but it will also give the blade a fairly uniformly grey appearance which can "enhance" the patina effect. I would neutralize the acid with a sodium bicarbonate solution, rinse well, and allow it to dry. Then you have the choice of oiling it or coating it with a silicone-based wax used specifically for restoration work. I've found the latter works well.
If you don't like the etch effect then polish the blade back to white, and oil or wax.
Last edited by Ian; 25th November 2024 at 05:40 PM.
Reason: Added comments on restoration