Try a Weak Magnet
Based on your photos, I strongly suspect that this is a one piece baca baca. If it were a two piece version, the brass strap looping around the stirrup would be visible on your front view photo. Your piece appears to be a variant that I haven’t seen before in that the strap that goes under the hilt wrap seems to have been forge welded to the blade stirrup. Since the tang is covered by the wood of the hilt, a weak magnet should confirm whether or not the strap is ferrous metal and hence one piece. I also agree with David that all the other features of the blade point toward it being made after Admiral Nelson. Offhand I can think of three possible scenarios: One, the label is a complete fabrication. Two, the tabel is authentic and was previously attached to another piece. Three (highly unlikely given the fit), the sheath originally belonged to another kris. Frankly for my part, given that this is a fine looking kris in good condition (with a sheath in good condition to boot), the authenticity of the label is of little importance.