Originally Posted by adamb
I know that this forum has seen many discussions about the ages of Moro/Sulu keris/kalis, and that this is a complex subject, with many unknowns, and I further note that the members who have commented on this particular blade so far vary in their opinions on its age, with early to late 1800s all seemingly conceivable at this stage; but, can I ask what support there is to be found in the idea that this keris did actually exist in the timeframe required for the Bligh-Timor-Nelson hypothesis to be at least possible (not talking plausible at this stage, just possible) from a historical perspective?
As i already stated, from my understanding of kris/kalis evolution i personally don't see a kris blade of this style and form existing in the time that Lord Nelson was alive. Others may have a different opinion. Kris/kalis certain did exist, but the blades were narrower and the tips pointier.