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Old 22nd November 2024, 05:34 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 902
Default Small cretan?? yataghan dagger translation please

Good evening dear members,
I'd like your opinion about this small yataghan or large ;
bichak: 50cm long with scabbard.

Strange feeling because the hilt is too long and the tip of the blade has a bad shape +
first time I see the ''saw like'' teeth on the back of a yatagan

The blade seems to come from a broken/ cut down yatagan

Sharp blade of good quality.
I wonder if the engravings on the blade are recent or old ?
It is true inlay because I sand it for clean the blade and it is better now than before

Glad if someone can translate.

Scabbard can be recent work but
the inside wooden parts seem old and genuine and fit well with the dagger.
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