I'm taking a slightly different tack with this one, but will probably end up in much the same place as most comments already.
The prominent central fuller stands out on the blade. I believe this is very unusual on Moro-made kris for two reasons. First, the fuller starts some distance below the gangya (there is no "arrowhead" feature) and, second, it extends to within a centimeter of the tip. This type of fuller is seen more commonly, I think, on Malayan kris, or at least Malayan-influenced blades. I have an old and heavily patinated kris with a similar fuller and a wider than expected blade for its relatively short length and likely age.
The scabbard is of an older style, with a nicely carved cross piece, a prominent up-turn to the toe and a smaller downwards protrusion as well. There have been a few of these showing up here lately. Again, I believe this style of scabbard has a strong Malayan influence. Most kris that I have seen with this style of scabbard were in Sulu dress. Cato's book has a Sulu royalty example with a similarly styled scabbard on the dust jacket. So Maurice's suggestion that this could be a Sulu kalis has some basis, I believe.
Looking at the elephant trunk area, I have difficulty separating this one between Maguindanao, Sulu, or Malay. The area enclosed by the seca kacang (trunk) and gandhik looks more oval than round, which favors a Sulu or Malayan blade. There is a slight "fullness" of the gandhik that might suggest a Maranao origin, but it's not a typical Maranao appearance.
The hilt in this case isn't very helpful in separating tribal origin. The plaited hemp wrap is utilitarian and well suited for combat, while the diminutive kakatua pommel is a common style and includes the side panels.
I'm inclined to think this is a Malay-influenced Sulu kalis. Another possibility is Ilanun (Iranum). Ilanun communities are found in northern Borneo and to the south of Brunei. The main population resides in Mindanao, between the areas populated by Maranao and Maguindanao. They are excellent sailors (and pirates). It would be expected that some Ilanun would carry weapons with Malayan characteristics.