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Old 16th November 2024, 02:38 PM   #18
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
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Default The Secrets of Wootz Damascus steel

'The Secrets of Wootz Damascus Steel'
I have now twice watched this brilliant documentary from six years ago, and realised that, while I may have retained odds and ends of details, the full story had become blurred. The business of the glass, for instance, is a perfect example.
Up to now, in my opinion, this must be one of the best introductions to the history and science of Wootz, and I would seriously suggest anyone with a passing interest in the history of sword-blade making devote an hour to watching it.
It pretty much wraps up this thread.
Of course, YouTube is full of recent takes on the issue, and I – again – warn you not to delve any deeper unless you have plenty time to spare.
My thanks to our 'Interested Party' for providing this valuable research material.
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