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Old 15th November 2024, 05:00 PM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Legendary_Jarl View Post
It's unfortunate that the Mexican military has been so cryptic with information regarding the army. If there were ever formal patterns of swords issued to officers at all that information is not readily available. Unfortunately as well, it has been prohibited since the 1917 constitution for civilians to own weapons exclusive to the army including lances, bayonets and swords like these. The interpretation has been recently changed to mean of any military. Needless to say I am so glad I left Mexico and I can now legally and freely collect whatever tf I want.

I think the top sword could have been made in Britain. Looks similar to 'Gothic hilted' British swords. I'd be curious to see if there was a significant trade of arms between Mexico and Britain in the early XIX century. When I went to Texas I was fortunate to be able to visit the site of the Battle of San Jacinto. There is a museum there that has many artifacts including a sword that they claim belonged to Santa Anna. Why would Santa Anna have a plain 1796 pattern British heavy cavalry sword? Doesn't make sense. They also had a bunch of items that had descriptions such as "This was cast from Silver taken from Santa Anna". And I'm like: "...suuure". By the way, I took a picture of a sword that has a similar hilt to yours but without the eagle. I don't remember if it was Mexican or American though.
Indeed the 'Gothic' hilt style was found in some of these swords, in fact that 1822 design became popularly used on swords produced for many countries with the central cartouche having various devices etc, in place of the royal cypher.

It seems museums often embellish items displayed with 'interpretations' of lore and presumptions, though in many cases there may be a degree of factuality.
Remember that the Mexican army was supplied profoundly with surplus and many obsolete weapons from Great Britain at the end of the Napoleonic wars. Most of the guns were old British brown bess and Baker rifles sold to Mexico in huge volume.

As the British were on campaign through Spain in these wars, many British swords among of course other materials were there. If I recall these heavy cavalry swords were said to have been produced in Portugal.
It does not seem unusual that various British pattern swords turned up in North America in these times, as well as of course in Mexico.

The 1796 light cavalry sabers were used in many cases by militia units, during the war of 1812 and later, and were often found in trading posts on the plains and with many Indian tribes.
While the more cumbersome heavy cavalry swords were not as popular, it is not surprising that some might turn up in these contexts.

As for Santa Anna having one? uh, thats reaching. This guy was so totally flamboyant I cannot imagine him having one of these, for any reason.
But, in typical hyperbole, it seems virtually everything of this period and of types associated in any way with these events was CONNECTED to Santa Anna.
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